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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Turkish Money back to TL

since january 2009, turkish currency back to TL. which was before the currency is YTL. but before YTL, it was TL. and now back to TL again.

from TL become YTL
because of the hyper inflation, the turkish parliament took the decision to remove the 6 zero in the TL. then in january 2005, YTL was establish with the form without 6 zero (1 YTL = 1 million TL).

from YTL to TL
after YTL established and the circulation for about 4 years, turkish goverment have a plan to make it back to TL. and TL is back in january 2009 with the form same as YTL (without 6 zero). for the transition period between 1 Januari 2005 until 31 Desember 2008 turkish currency was YTL.

we can use YTL for the transaction until 31 desember 2009.

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